Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sonochromatic Color

               These days you hear a lot about amputees receiving prosthesis, but usually they're for limps. Recently Neil Harbisson, who is color blind, found a way to "hear color."
            Neil Harbisson wears a kind of "eyeborg" that is fitted to his head in a band fashion, and allows him to see color. The "eyeborg" translates the color waves into sound waves so that Harbisson is able to hear them. Haribisson practiced distinguishing the sounds, he can now tell what color you're wearing. He can listen to speeches and he associates the sound of the voice to color. Harbisson comes up with paintings, for speeches, using the sound waves he hears.
            This TED Talk made me start thinking about how far the human race has come. We keep inventing things to make life easier, but we also get farther from our naturalness.  I think that some advancements are needed, but I think there is also a point where we need to stop or slow down. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Forks over Knives

     We watched a documentary on food and nutrition. We learned about how food and nutrition affects our bodily functions and even mental health.
     The documentary was based on the science of nutrition. What types of food are good and bad for you were discussed. They showed different experiments they did to find how food affects different body funtions. They found that a plant based diet could reverse some types of cancers, diabetes, and heart disease. High concentrations of the protein in milk was found to cause liver cancer tumors. The video showed how a scientist was given patients who were very sick from diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease, etc.. One patient was given a month to live. He switched her to an all plant based diet, and her heart disease went away and she lived years longer.
     I found the video to be very informative.The video made me think about what I eat and how much of it I eat. I never thought about how what I eat now can affect me when I'm older. But I thought it was very biased towards vegan and vegetarian life styles. Some of the statistics seemed to be missing information. But if you got passed the bias parts of it, it held lots of information on nutrition.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Lucy the Chimpanzee

     Some couples, when they aren't able to have children, adopt kids from orphanages. But not the Temerlins. They decided to adopt a two day old chimpanzee from a chimpanzee circus. It was an experiment to find out if, raised by humans, a chimpanzee could become a human.
     The Temerlins adopted Lucy when she was two days old from a circus that specialized in chimpanzee acts. Mrs. Temerlin took Lucy home on an airplane. They raised her like she was their daughter. They dressed her, potty trained her, and taught her to eat with utensils. When Lucy was older the Temerlins brought in a tutor to teach her sign language. When company came over she would go to the kitchen and make tea. When Lucy was older a male chimp was brought in. Lucy was terrified. That was the point when the Temerlins realized that Lucy wasn't fully human or fully chimpanzee, she was somewhere in-between. As Lucy got older she became stronger and began to destroy the Temerlin house. The Temerlins had no choice, but to shimp Lucy off to a nature preserve in Gambia.
     I thought this story was really sad and interesting. Interesting because of the experiment. And sad because of what happened to Lucy.